Insights BETA


  • Net Income is negative on average. Companies with competitive advantages typically make money.

Pretax Income

Income Tax

No data

Net Profits/Loss

Pretax Income YoY Change

Income Tax Rate

No data

Net Profits/Loss YoY Change

Basic EPS

No data

Net Income To Revenue Ratio

No data

Assets & Liabilities

  • Inventory has been relatively inconsistent. Rise and falls, especially if they aren't aligned with earnings, is not what you want because it indicates a boom and bust cycle. The rise of inventory happens after a boom cycle and fall of inventory usually happens after the bust part of the cycle.

Cash & Short-Term Investments

Cash & Equivalents

No data

Cash To Operating Expenses Ratio



No data

Total Short-Term Assets

Property, Plant And Equipment

No data

Long-Term Investments

No data

Total Long-Term Assets

Total Assets

Net Income To Total Assets Percentage

Accounts Payable

Short-Term Debt

Long Term Debt Due

Total Short-Term Liabilities

Long-Term Debt

Other Long-Term Liabilities

Total Long-Term Liabilities

Total Liabilities

Short-Term To Long-Term Debt Ratio

Short-Term Assets To Debt Ratio

Long-Term Debt To Net Income Ratio

No data


  • Return on Shareholders' Equity has been -101.15%, which is low (<10%). If Net Income as percentage of Total Revenue also weak (<10%) or negative, it’s a red flag. If it's strong (>10%), it's a green flag since this indicates that they are returning the earnings to shareholders somehow.

Return On Shareholders' Equity

Book Value

Free Cash Flow

No data

Free Cash Flow YoY

No data

Free Cash Flow Margin

No data