Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Kenneth Jacobs Executive Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 64 $10.89M - USD Male
Ms. Mary Betsch Chief Financial Officer 44 $1.293M - USD Female
Mr. Peter Orszag Chief Executive Officer of Financial Advisory 54 $9.727M - USD Male
Mr. Evan Russo Chief Executive Officer - Lazard Asset Management 48 $5.946M - USD Male
Mr. Scott Hoffman Chief Administrative Officer, General Counsel, Secretary 60 $4.066M - USD Male
Ms. Alexandra Soto Group Executive - Human Capital and Workplace Innovation 54 - Female
Mr. Richard Parsons Lead Independent Director 75 $380.1K - USD Male
Prof. Ann - Kristin Achleitner Independent Director 57 $315.0K - USD Female
Mr. Andrew Alper Independent Director 65 $320.1K - USD Male
Dr. Richard Haass Independent Director 71 $310.1K - USD Male
Ms. Michelle Jarrard Independent Director 55 $314.6K - USD Female
Ms. Iris Knobloch Independent Director 60 $315.0K - USD Female
Ms. Jane Mendillo Independent Director 64 $315.1K - USD Female