Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Nathan Mazurek Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 61 $557.6K - USD Male
Mr. Walter Michalec Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary 34 $1.862M - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Klink Director 60 $16.64K - USD Male
Mr. Kytchener Whyte Director 71 - Male
Mr. Yossi Cohn Independent Director 44 $24.64K - USD Male
Mr. Ian Ross Independent Director 79 $20.64K - USD Male
Mr. David Tesler Independent Director 49 $21.64K - USD Male
Mr. Jonathan Tulkoff Independent Director 61 $24.64K - USD Male
Mr. Brett Maas Managing Partner - Male