Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. E. Kevin Hrusovsky Independent Chairman of the Board 62 $222.5K - USD Male
Dr. Kevin Knopp President, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, Director 50 $2.289M - USD Male
Dr. Christopher Brown Co-Founder, Chief Product Officer 48 $1.130M - USD Male
Mr. Joseph Griffith Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer 47 $1.149M - USD Male
Mr. Michael Turner Chief Legal and Administrative Officer, Company Secretary 56 $642.4K - USD Male
Mr. Steve Davenport Vice President - Commercial Sales 57 - Male
Mr. Don Osmer Vice President - Human Resources 58 - Male
Mr. John Kenneweg Vice President - Government 50 $1.034M - USD Male
Dr. Kevin McCallion Vice President - Production and New Product Introduction 57 - Male
Mr. Keith Crandell Independent Director 63 $202.5K - USD Male
Dr. Marcia Eisenberg Independent Director 64 $180.4K - USD Female
Mr. Fenel Eloi Independent Director 65 $195.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jeffrey George Independent Director 49 $190.4K - USD Male
Mr. Antony Hunt Independent Director 59 $368.4K - USD Male
Mr. Mark Spoto Independent Director 54 $200.0K - USD Male