Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Alan Fishman Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board 77 $375.3K - USD Male
Ms. Pamela Mccormack President, Director 52 $5.561M - USD Female
Mr. Brian Harris Chief Executive Officer, Director 62 $12.52M - USD Male
Mr. Paul Miceli Chief Financial Officer 43 $2.005M - USD Male
Ms. Kelly Porcella Chief Administrative Officer, General Counsel, Secretary 41 $1.403M - USD Female
Mr. Robert Perelman Head of Asset Management 60 $1.754M - USD Male
Mr. Mark Alexander Independent Director 61 $190.3K - USD Male
Mr. Douglas Durst Independent Director 78 $200.3K - USD Male
Mr. Jeffrey Steiner Independent Director 69 $175.3K - USD Male
Mr. David Weiner Independent Director 62 $175.3K - USD Male