Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Jeffrey Benjamin Independent Chairman of the Board 62 $240.0K - USD Male
Mr. Thor Gjerdrum President 56 $1.431M - USD Male
Mr. Gregory Roberts Chief Executive Officer, Director 61 $1.451M - USD Male
Ms. Kathleen Taylor Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Controller, Assistant Secretary 60 $928.7K - USD Female
Mr. Brian Aquilino Chief Operating Officer 51 $782.1K - USD Male
Ms. Carol Meltzer Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Company Secretary, Director 64 $311.3K - USD Female
Mr. Roy Friedman Senior Vice President - Trading, Global Precious Metals - Male
Mr. Ellis Landau Independent Director 79 $135.0K - USD Male
Ms. Beverley Lepine Independent Director 71 $125.0K - USD Female
Mr. John Moorhead Independent Director 71 $131.7K - USD Male
Mr. Jess Ravich Independent Director 66 $130.0K - USD Male
Ms. Monique Sanchez Independent Director 53 $125.0K - USD Female
Mr. Kendall Saville Independent Director 38 $125.0K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Wittmeyer Independent Director 33 $757.1K - USD Male
Mr. Steve Reiner Investor Relations - Male