Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Michael Viola Chairman of the Board 36 $295.0K - USD Male
Mr. Vincent Viola Chairman Emeritus, Founder 67 $8.201M - USD Male
Mr. Brett Fairclough Co-President, Co-Chief Operating Officer 40 $3.693M - USD Male
Mr. Joseph Molluso Co-President, Co-Chief Operating Officer 54 $3.927M - USD Male
Mr. Douglas Cifu Chief Executive Officer, Director 57 $12.05M - USD Male
Mr. Sean Galvin Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 58 $2.496M - USD Male
Mr. Stephen Cavoli Executive Vice President - Markets 54 $3.692M - USD Male
Mr. William Cruger Independent Director 64 $308.3K - USD Male
Ms. Virginia Gambale Independent Director 63 $284.7K - USD Female
Mr. Joseph Grano Independent Director 75 $288.3K - USD Male
Ms. Joanne Minieri Independent Director 62 $288.3K - USD Female
Mr. John Nixon Independent Director 67 $335.0K - USD Male
Mr. Christopher Quick Independent Director 65 $295.0K - USD Male
Mr. David Urban Independent Director 59 $283.3K - USD Male