Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Ellery Roberts Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 52 $522.5K - USD Male
Ms. Vernice Howard Chief Financial Officer 52 - Female
Mr. Glyn Milburn Vice President - Operations 52 $11.67K - USD Male
Mr. Robert Barry Director 79 $63.80K - USD Male
Ms. Michele Chow-tai Independent Director - Female
Mr. Clark Crosnoe Independent Director 54 $11.67K - USD Male
Mr. Paul Froning Independent Director 52 $11.67K - USD Male
Ms. Tracy Harris Independent Director 59 $11.67K - USD Female
Mr. Lawrence Taylor Independent Director 58 $11.67K - USD Male
Mr. David Waldman Investor Relations - Male