Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Caryn Kboudi Vice President of Marketing - Female
Mr. L. Cross President 70 $3.105M - USD Male
Mr. David O'reilly Chief Executive Officer, Director 48 $2.565M - USD Male
Mr. Carlos Olea Chief Financial Officer and Principal Financial Officer 44 $1.410M - USD Male
Mr. James Carman President, Houston Region 45 - Male
Mr. Greg Fitchitt President, Columbia 53 - Male
Mr. Doug Johnstone President, Hawaii Region 40 - Male
Mr. Heath Melton President, Phoenix Region 46 - Male
Mr. Anton Nikodemus Chief Executive Officer - Seaport Entertainment Division - Male
Mr. Andrew Schwartz Co-President, New York 44 - Male
Mr. Frank Stephan President, Nevada Region 51 - Male
Mr. Zach Winick Co-President, New York 43 - Male
Dr. Hope Von Borkenhagen Chief People Officer - Female
Mr. Michael Slosser Executive Vice President & Managing Director - Hospitality - Male
Ms. Elena Verbinskaya Chief Accounting Officer , Principal Accounting Officer 45 - Female
Mr. Jesse Carrillo Chief Innovation Officer - Male