Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Charles Mcclure Independent Chairman of the Board 69 $400.0K - USD Male
Dr. Jeffrey Graves President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 61 $5.687M - USD Male
Mr. Jeffrey Creech Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President - Male
Ms. Phyllis Nordstrom Chief People and Culture Officer, Executive Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer 44 - Female
Dr. Charles Hull Executive Vice President, Chief Technology Officer - Regenerative Medicine 83 $638.4K - USD Male
Mr. Andrew Johnson Executive Vice President, Secretary, Chief Legal Officer, Chief Corporate Development Officer 48 $1.733M - USD Male
Mr. Menno Ellis Executive Vice President - Healthcare Solutions 50 $2.108M - USD Male
Mr. Reji Puthenveetil Executive Vice President - Industrial Solutions, Additive Solutions, Chief Commercial Officer 54 $2.166M - USD Male
Mr. Joe Zuiker Executive Vice President - Engineering and Operations 58 - Male
Ms. Margaret Wicklund Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer 63 - Female
Ms. Malissia Clinton Independent Director 54 $225.0K - USD Female
Mr. William Curran Independent Director 74 $255.0K - USD Male
Ms. Claudia Drayton Independent Director 55 $215.0K - USD Female
Mr. Thomas Erickson Independent Director 72 $220.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jimmy Kever Independent Director 70 $220.0K - USD Male
Mr. Kevin Moore Independent Director 68 $245.0K - USD Male
Dr. Vasant Padmanabhan Independent Director 56 $210.0K - USD Male
Dr. John Tracy Independent Director 68 $240.0K - USD Male