Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Jay Bray Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 56 $10.76M - USD Male
Mr. Michael Weinbach President 50 - Male
Mr. Christopher Marshall Vice Chairman 63 $6.412M - USD Male
Mr. Kurt Johnson Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 53 $1.374M - USD Male
Mr. Michael Rawls Chief Executive Officer of Xome Holdings LLC 53 $2.376M - USD Male
Ms. Christine Paxton Executive Vice President, Chief Compliance and Risk Officer - Female
Mr. Jay Jones Executive Vice President - Servicing - Male
Mr. Carlos Pelayo Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer 54 - Male
Mr. Michael Malone Lead Independent Director 69 $425.0K - USD Male
Ms. Busy Burr Independent Director 61 $260.0K - USD Female
Mr. Roy Guthrie Independent Director 69 $320.0K - USD Male
Ms. Daniela Jorge Independent Director 51 $227.4K - USD Female
Ms. Shveta Mujumdar Independent Director 44 $255.0K - USD Female
Mr. Tagar Olson Independent Director 45 $295.0K - USD Male
Mr. Steven Scheiwe Independent Director 62 $290.0K - USD Male