Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Jaswinder Singh Independent Chairman of the Board 58 $287.5K - USD Male
Mr. Samuel Wilson Chief Executive Officer, Director 55 $5.045M - USD Male
Mr. Kevin Kraus Chief Financial Officer 54 $1.266M - USD Male
Ms. Suzanne Seandel Chief Accounting Officer, Principal Accounting Officer 58 $1.552M - USD Female
Mr. Bruno Bertini Chief Marketing Officer - Male
Ms. Lisa Martin Chief Revenue Officer - Female
Mr. Hunter Middleton Chief Product Officer 56 $2.680M - USD Male
Mr. Laurence Denny Chief Legal Officer, Corporate Secretary 50 $1.522M - USD Male
Ms. Monique Bonner Independent Director 52 $237.5K - USD Female
Mr. Todd Ford Independent Director 56 $247.5K - USD Male
Ms. Alison Gleeson Independent Director 56 $222.5K - USD Female
Mr. Eric Salzman Independent Director 55 $242.5K - USD Male
Ms. Elizabeth Theophille Independent Director 56 $220.0K - USD Female