Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. James Mccann Executive Chairman of the Board, Founder, Chief Executive Officer 72 $3.040M - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Hartnett President 60 $1.984M - USD Male
Mr. William Shea Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President, Treasurer 64 $1.748M - USD Male
Mr. Dinesh Popat President - BloomNet 63 - Male
Mr. Joseph Rowland Group President, Gourmet Foods & Gift Baskets 54 $1.265M - USD Male
Mr. Michael Manley Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 57 $1.056M - USD Male
Mr. Arnold Leap Chief Information Officer 55 - Male
Ms. Celia Brown Independent Director 69 $110.0K - USD Female
Mr. James Cannavino Independent Director 79 $110.0K - USD Male
Ms. Dina Colombo Independent Director 54 $100.0K - USD Female
Mr. Eugene Demark Independent Director 76 $120.0K - USD Male
Mr. Leonard Elmore Independent Director 71 $107.5K - USD Male
Mr. Adam Hanft Independent Director 73 $100.0K - USD Male
Ms. Stephanie Hofmann Independent Director 54 $100.0K - USD Female
Mr. Larry Zarin Independent Director 69 $100.0K - USD Male
Mr. Andy Milevoj Senior Vice President - Investor Relations - Male