Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. David Rosenblatt Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 55 $4.150M - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Etergino Chief Financial Officer 56 $2.738M - USD Male
Ms. Alison Lipman Chief People Officer 42 - Female
Ms. Carol Lattouf Senior Vice President - Operations 35 - Female
Ms. Nancy Hood Chief Marketing Officer 59 - Female
Ms. Melanie Goins General Counsel 42 - Female
Mr. Ryan Beauchamp Chief Product Officer 35 - Male
Mr. Matthew Rubinger Chief Commercial Officer 35 $1.161M - USD Male
Mr. Matthew Cohler Lead Independent Director 45 $140.0K - USD Male
Mr. Everette Taylor Director - Male
Ms. Lori Hickok Independent Director 59 $136.0K - USD Female
Mr. Andrew Robb Independent Director 46 $120.0K - USD Male
Mr. Brian Schipper Independent Director 62 $122.0K - USD Male
Ms. Paula Volent Independent Director 66 $128.0K - USD Female