Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Rob Roy Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, Founder 52 $8.759M - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Morton President, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary 53 $4.987M - USD Male
Mr. Gabe Nacht Chief Financial Officer 60 $2.342M - USD Male
Ms. Melissa Young Chief Information Officer 50 $921.1K - USD Female
Mr. Jonathan King Chief Revenue Officer 50 $5.344M - USD Male
Mr. Donald Snyder Lead Independent Director 74 $312.5K - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Thomas Director 64 $267.5K - USD Male
Ms. Angela Archon Independent Director 61 $277.1K - USD Female
Mr. Jason Genrich Independent Director 35 $180.3K - USD Male
Ms. Liane Pelletier Independent Director 64 $277.8K - USD Female
Mr. Zareh Sarrafian Independent Director 58 $283.7K - USD Male
Ms. Kimberly Sheehy Independent Director 57 $309.1K - USD Female
Mr. Bryan Wolf Independent Director 58 $301.5K - USD Male
Mr. Matthew Heinz IR Contact Officer - Male