Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Irwin Simon Executive Chairman of the Board 64 $750.0K - USD Male
Mr. Rajnish Ohri Interim Co-Chief Executive Officer - Male
Mr. Jeffrey Robinson Interim Co-Chief Executive Officer 59 $1.264M - USD Male
Mr. Bernardo Fiaux Chief Financial Officer - Male
Mr. Nigel Willerton President and Chief Operating Officer of Branded CPG North America Region - Male
Mr. Brian Litman Chief Accounting Officer 55 $856.8K - USD Male
Mr. Anuraag Agarwal Independent Director 48 $130.0K - USD Male
Mr. Steven Cohen Independent Director 55 $130.0K - USD Male
Ms. Denise Faltischek Independent Director 50 $130.0K - USD Female
Mr. Ira Lamel Independent Director 75 $130.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jeff Sonnek Investor Relations - Male