Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Ms. Anne Wojcicki Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder 48 $62.92K - USD Female
Mr. Joseph Selsavage Interim Chief Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer 60 $1.836M - USD Male
Ms. Kathy Hibbs Chief Administrative Officer, Company Secretary 59 $699.8K - USD Female
Dr. Richard Scheller Director 70 $450.1K - USD Male
Mr. Roelof Botha Independent Director 49 $356.7K - USD Male
Mr. Patrick Chung Independent Director 49 $367.9K - USD Male
Dr. Sandra Hernandez Independent Director 65 $344.8K - USD Female
Mr. Neal Mohan Independent Director 49 $339.3K - USD Male
Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice Independent Director 62 $363.9K - USD Female
Mr. Peter Taylor Independent Director 65 $355.1K - USD Male