Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Emile Battat Chairman of the Board, Chairman of the Board of Halkey-Roberts Corporation 85 $906.1K - USD Male
Mr. David Battat President, Chief Executive Officer; President of Halkey-Roberts 53 $1.541M - USD Male
Ms. Cindy Ferguson Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary 47 - Female
Mr. Ronald Spaulding Lead Independent Director 59 $188.0K - USD Male
Mr. Preston Athey Independent Director 73 $139.0K - USD Male
Ms. Jeannette Bankes Independent Director - Female
Mr. Hugh Morgan Independent Director 94 $177.5K - USD Male
Mr. John Stupp Independent Director 73 $192.0K - USD Male