Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Ms. Lauren White Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 44 - Female
Mr. Michael Vasconcelles Executive Vice President - Research, Development, and Medical Affairs 59 $3.815M - USD Male
Ms. Heather Huet Senior Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer - Female
Dr. Anna Berkenblit Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer 53 $1.889M - USD Female
Mr. Daniel Char Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer 62 - Male
Ms. Stacy Coen Senior Vice President, Chief Business Officer 52 $1.838M - USD Female
Ms. Isabel Kalofonos Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer 52 - Female
Dr. Theresa Wingrove Senior Vice President - Regulatory Affairs and Quality 65 $1.267M - USD Female
Ms. Renee Lentini Principal Accounting Officer 45 $966.0K - USD Female