Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Kevin Schuyler Independent Chairman of the Board 54 $108.2K - USD Male
Mr. Cary Claiborne President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 62 $1.016M - USD Male
Mr. Joseph Truluck Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary 45 $442.6K - USD Male
Mr. Tony Goodman Chief Operating Officer, Director 59 $124.2K - USD Male
Dr. Bankole Johnson Chief Medical Officer 63 $375.0K - USD Male
Mr. J. Kermit Anderson Independent Director 73 $103.2K - USD Male
Mr. Robertson Gilliland Independent Director 43 $100.2K - USD Male
Mr. James Newman Independent Director 80 $106.2K - USD Male
Mr. David Waldman Investor Relations - Male