Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Lawrence Blatt Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 61 $1.851M - USD Male
Dr. Leonid Beigelman President 65 $1.378M - USD Male
Ms. Lesley Calhoun Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 57 - Female
Mr. Julian Symons Executive Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer 62 $946.9K - USD Male
Ms. Lucinda Quan Executive Vice President, Chief Business Officer, General Counsel 50 $444.3K - USD Female
Mr. Matthew Mcclure Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer 52 - Male
Dr. K. Peter Hirth Independent Director 71 $59.23K - USD Male
Dr. Bridget Martell Independent Director 57 $48.60K - USD Female
Mr. Jack Nielsen Independent Director 59 $99.10K - USD Male
Ms. Carole Nuechterlein Independent Director 62 $13.60K - USD Female
Mr. James Scopa Independent Director 63 $68.60K - USD Male
Dr. Thomas Woiwode Independent Director 51 $57.60K - USD Male
Mr. Corey Davis IR Contact Officer - Male