Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Lester Knight Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board 64 $883.8K - USD Male
Mr. Eric Andersen President 58 $7.364M - USD Male
Mr. Gregory Case Chief Executive Officer, Director 60 $19.67M - USD Male
Ms. Christina Davies Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President - Global Finance 52 $11.99M - USD Female
Ms. Mindy Simon Chief Operating Officer 46 - Female
Ms. Lisa Stevens Chief People Officer, Head of Global Human Capital Solutions 52 $4.399M - USD Female
Mr. Darren Zeidel Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Company Secretary 51 $2.823M - USD Male
Mr. Michael Neller Chief Accounting Officer, Global Controller 44 - Male
Mr. Andy Weitz Chief Marketing Officer 46 - Male
Ms. Jillian Slyfield Chief Innovation Officer 49 - Female
Mr. Jin-Yong Cai Independent Director 63 $485.4K - USD Male
Mr. Jeffrey Campbell Independent Director 62 $448.8K - USD Male
Mr. Fulvio Conti Independent Director 75 $510.3K - USD Male
Ms. Cheryl Francis Independent Director 69 $447.5K - USD Female
Ms. Adriana Karaboutis Independent Director 60 $294.9K - USD Female
Mr. Richard Notebaert Independent Director 75 $477.9K - USD Male
Ms. Gloria Santona Independent Director 72 $490.4K - USD Female
Ms. Sarah Smith Independent Director 64 - Female
Mr. Byron Spruell Independent Director 58 $468.8K - USD Male
Dr. Carolyn Woo Independent Director 68 $476.3K - USD Female