Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Michael Weinstein Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 79 $1.179M - USD Male
Mr. Anthony Sirica President, Chief Financial Officer, Director 59 $582.2K - USD Male
Mr. Vincent Pascal Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice President, Director 79 $582.9K - USD Male
Ms. Marcia Allen Independent Director 72 $44.50K - USD Female
Ms. Jessica Kates Independent Director 44 $44.91K - USD Female
Mr. Bruce Lewin Independent Director 75 $61.00K - USD Male
Mr. Stephen Novick Independent Director 82 $41.50K - USD Male
Mr. Steven Shulman Independent Director 81 $41.50K - USD Male