Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. William Ringo Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board 77 $132.8K - USD Male
Mr. Jason Okazaki President, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer 47 $1.801M - USD Male
Dr. William Delaney Chief Scientific Officer 51 $1.410M - USD Male
Dr. Anuj Gaggar Chief Medical Officer - Male
Dr. Tomas Cihlar Director - Male
Dr. John Mchutchison Director 65 $1.759M - USD Male
Mr. Anthony Altig Independent Director 67 $90.29K - USD Male
Ms. Gina Consylman Independent Director 51 $79.66K - USD Female
Mr. Michael Houghton Independent Director 72 $70.29K - USD Male
Dr. Lisa Johnson-Pratt Independent Director 59 $73.20K - USD Female
Dr. Susan Mahony Independent Director 59 $82.16K - USD Female