Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Kim Cocklin Chairman of the Board 72 $374.1K - USD Male
Mr. John Akers President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 60 $8.104M - USD Male
Mr. Christopher Forsythe Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 52 $2.298M - USD Male
Ms. Karen Hartsfield Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 53 $1.784M - USD Female
Mr. John Robbins Senior Vice President - Human Resources 53 $1.518M - USD Male
Mr. John Mcdill Senior Vice President - Utility Operations 59 $1.759M - USD Male
Mr. Richard Gordon Lead Independent Director 74 $320.0K - USD Male
Mr. John Ale Independent Director 69 $270.0K - USD Male
Ms. Kelly Compton Independent Director 66 $274.1K - USD Female
Mr. Sean Donohue Independent Director 62 $270.0K - USD Male
Mr. Rafael Garza Independent Director 63 $270.0K - USD Male
Ms. Nancy Quinn Independent Director 70 $290.0K - USD Female
Mr. Richard Sampson Independent Director 73 $292.0K - USD Male
Ms. Diana Walters Independent Director 60 $280.8K - USD Female
Mr. Franklin Yoho Independent Director 64 $290.0K - USD Male