Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. John Clarke Independent Chairman of the Board 69 $128.1K - USD Male
Dr. Sanjay Shukla President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 51 $2.411M - USD Male
Ms. Jill Broadfoot Chief Financial Officer 61 $913.5K - USD Female
Ms. Nancy Denyes General Counsel, Corporate Secretary 55 $857.5K - USD Female
Mr. Timothy Coughlin Independent Director 56 $96.24K - USD Male
Dr. Jane Gross Independent Director 66 $71.24K - USD Female
Dr. Svetlana Lucas Independent Director 51 $77.33K - USD Female
Dr. Paul Schimmel Independent Director 82 $65.33K - USD Male
Dr. Sara Zaknoen Independent Director 64 $68.66K - USD Female