Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Frank Casal Independent Chairman of the Board 69 $275.0K - USD Male
Dr. Joseph Martin Independent Chairman of the Board 75 $407.5K - USD Male
Dr. Stephen Schwartz President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 64 $5.554M - USD Male
Mr. Herman Cueto Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 49 - Male
Ms. Olga Pirogova Chief Human Resource Officer, Senior Vice President 49 - Female
Mr. Jason Joseph Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary 53 $1.444M - USD Male
Dr. Ginger Zhou Senior Vice President, General Manager - Genomic Services 47 - Female
Dr. David Gray Senior Vice President, Chief Strategy and New Business Officer 58 $1.248M - USD Male
Mr. Robin Vacha Senior Vice President - Global Operations 48 $1.433M - USD Male
Mr. David Wang Senior Vice President and General Manager, Sample Management Solutions 53 - Male
Ms. Violetta Hughes Chief Accounting Officer, Vice President and Principal Accounting Officer 51 - Female
Ms. Robyn Davis Independent Director 62 $278.8K - USD Female
Ms. Erica Mclaughlin Independent Director 47 $275.0K - USD Female
Ms. Tina Nova Independent Director 70 $207.5K - USD Female
Prof. Dr. Krishna Palepu Independent Director 68 $286.3K - USD Male
Ms. Dorothy Puhy Independent Director 71 $207.5K - USD Female
Dr. Michael Rosenblatt Independent Director 76 $260.0K - USD Male
Ms. Ellen Zane Independent Director 72 $290.0K - USD Female
Ms. Sara Silverman Head of Investor Relations & Corporate Communications - Female