Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Ms. Diane Hessan Independent Chairman of the Board 68 $222.1K - USD Female
Mr. Marc DeBevoise Chief Executive Officer, Director 46 $5.288M - USD Male
Mr. Robert Noreck Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer 47 $653.9K - USD Male
Mr. David Beck Chief Operating Officer, Chief Strategy and Corporate Development Officer - Male
Ms. Trisha Stiles Chief People Officer - Female
Ms. Kathy Klingler Chief Marketing Officer - Female
Mr. Dan Freund Chief Revenue Officer - Male
Mr. David Plotkin Chief Legal Officer 55 $575.3K - USD Male
Ms. Kristin Frank Independent Director 57 $212.0K - USD Female
Mr. Gary Haroian Independent Director 71 $219.0K - USD Male
Mr. Scott Kurnit Independent Director 69 $203.0K - USD Male
Dr. Tsedal Neeley Independent Director 50 $201.6K - USD Female
Mr. Thomas Wheeler Independent Director 76 $206.6K - USD Male
Mr. Brian Denyeau Investor Relations - Male