Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. John Patience Independent Chairman of the Board 75 $110.0K - USD Male
Mr. Scott Hutton President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 51 $2.755M - USD Male
Ms. Robin Cowie Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary 43 $995.5K - USD Female
Mr. Christopher Vazquez Chief Accounting Officer 49 - Male
Ms. Jean Franchi Independent Director 56 $110.0K - USD Female
Dr. Jon Kayyem Independent Director 59 $110.0K - USD Male
Mr. Lawrence Kennedy Independent Director - Male
Mr. Hany Massarany Independent Director 61 $110.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jack Schuler Independent Director 82 $110.0K - USD Male
Dr. Matthew Strobeck Independent Director 50 $110.0K - USD Male
Dr. Charles Watts Independent Director 80 $110.0K - USD Male
Mr. Jeremy Feffer Investor Relations - Male