Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Kenneth Bockhorst Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 50 $3.941M - USD Male
Mr. Robert Wrocklage Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer 44 $1.245M - USD Male
Mr. William Bergum Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary 58 $659.1K - USD Male
Mr. Daniel Weltzien Vice President, Controller 44 $124.1K - USD Male
Ms. Karen Bauer Vice President - Investor Relations, Corporate Strategy and Treasurer 55 $615.8K - USD Female
Ms. Kimberly Stoll Vice President - Sales and Marketing 56 $718.7K - USD Female
Ms. Sheryl Hopkins Vice President of Human Resources 55 - Female
Mr. Fred Begale Vice President - Engineering 58 $354.4K - USD Male
Mr. Richard Htwe Vice President - Global Operations 56 - Male
Mr. Lars Bo Kristensen Vice President - Global Flow Instrumentation and International Utility 57 - Male
Mr. Matthew Stuyvenberg Vice President - Software and Water Quality 40 - Male
Mr. Gale Klappa Outside Lead Independent Director 72 $141.7K - USD Male
Mr. Todd Adams Independent Director 52 $133.7K - USD Male
Mr. Henry Brooks Independent Director 63 $127.7K - USD Male
Ms. Melanie Cook Independent Director 50 $117.8K - USD Female
Ms. Xia Liu Independent Director 53 $27.44K - USD Female
Mr. James Mcgill Independent Director 67 $127.7K - USD Male
Ms. Tessa Myers Independent Director 47 $127.7K - USD Female
Mr. James Stern Independent Director 60 $127.7K - USD Male
Mr. Glen Tellock Independent Director 61 $136.7K - USD Male