Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Frank Laukien Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 63 $5.057M - USD Male
Mr. Gerald Herman Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 65 $1.899M - USD Male
Dr. Falko Busse President, Bruker BioSpin Group 56 $1.150M - USD Male
Dr. Burkhard Prause President and Chief Executive Officer, Bruker Energy and Supercon Technologies, Inc 56 $967.9K - USD Male
Mr. Juergen Srega President of Bruker CALID Group and Bruker Daltonics Division 68 $1.280M - USD Male
Dr. Mark Munch Executive Vice President, President of Bruker Nano Group and Bruker Nano Surfaces Division 61 $2.501M - USD Male
Mr. William Linton Lead Independent Director 75 $231.0K - USD Male
Ms. Bonnie Anderson Independent Director 65 $214.0K - USD Female
Dr. Cynthia Friend Independent Director 68 $214.0K - USD Female
Dr. Philip Ma Independent Director 58 $154.5K - USD Male
Mr. John Ornell Independent Director 65 $241.0K - USD Male
Mr. Richard Packer Independent Director 65 $229.0K - USD Male
Ms. Adelene Perkins Independent Director 63 $224.0K - USD Female
Dr. Hermann Requardt Independent Director 68 $219.0K - USD Male
Dr. Robert Rosenthal Independent Director 66 $224.0K - USD Male