Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Peter Mueller Independent Chairman of the Board 67 $295.2K - USD Male
Dr. Vimal Mehta President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 62 $4.559M - USD Male
Mr. Richard Steinhart Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 66 $404.0K - USD Male
Dr. Vincent O'Neill Executive Vice President, Chief of Product Development and Medical Officer 54 $510.2K - USD Male
Dr. Frank Yocca Senior Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer 67 $1.153M - USD Male
Mr. Javier Rodriguez Senior Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, Corporate Secretary 51 $1.219M - USD Male
Mr. Matthew Wiley Senior Vice President, Chief Commercial Officer 51 $1.928M - USD Male
Mr. Robert Risinger Chief Medical Officer - Male
Ms. June Bray Independent Director 70 $238.7K - USD Female
Dr. Sandeep Laumas Independent Director 55 $264.6K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Miller Independent Director 66 $355.3K - USD Male
Dr. Michal Votruba Independent Director 57 $242.7K - USD Male
Mr. Brennan Doyle Investor Relations - Male