Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Sanford Zweifach Chairman of the Board 67 - Male
Mr. Steven Kelly President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 58 - Male
Mr. Richard Morris Chief Financial Officer, Principal Financial Officer, Principal Accounting Officer, Chief Compliance Officer, Treasurer 49 - Male
Ms. Terry Shields Senior Vice President of Human Resources - Female
Mr. Michael Klichinsky Chief Scientific Officer 33 - Male
Mr. Eric Siegel General Counsel, Corporate Secretary - Male
Ms. Regina Hodits Independent Director 54 - Female
Dr. Briggs Morrison Independent Director 64 - Male
Dr. Bjorn Odlander Independent Director 65 - Male
Mr. Michael Torok Independent Director 44 - Male
Mr. Chidozie Ugwumba Independent Director 40 - Male