Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Jason Breaux President, Chief Executive Officer 50 - Male
Mr. Gerhard Lombard Chief Financial Officer 50 - Male
Mr. Erik Barrios Chief Compliance Officer 45 - Male
Mr. Raymond Barrios Managing Director 45 - Male
Mr. Kirill Bouek Controller 39 - Male
Mr. George Hawley Secretary 55 - Male
Ms. Elizabeth Ko Youn Director 44 - Female
Ms. Kathleen Briscoe Independent Director 63 $113.0K - USD Female
Ms. Susan Lee Independent Director 43 $46.63K - USD Female
Mr. Michael Segal Independent Director 66 $120.0K - USD Male
Mr. Steven Strandberg Independent Director 68 $119.0K - USD Male
Mr. George Strong Independent Director 76 $125.0K - USD Male
Mr. Daniel Mcmahon Senior Vice President, Head of Public Investor Relations - Male