Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Michael Goldberg Independent Chairman of the Board 65 $404.9K - USD Male
Mr. Alexander Johnson Chief Executive Officer 49 $5.724M - USD Male
Mr. Abhishek Jain Chief Financial Officer 47 $2.343M - USD Male
Dr. Peter Maag Director 56 $299.6K - USD Male
Mr. George Bickerstaff Independent Director 67 $331.4K - USD Male
Dr. Frederick Cohen Independent Director 66 $311.6K - USD Male
Dr. Grace Colon Independent Director 56 $325.9K - USD Female
Ms. Christine Cournoyer Independent Director $316.5K - USD Female
Mr. William Hagstrom Independent Director 65 $312.4K - USD Male
Mr. Arthur Torres Independent Director 75 $316.8K - USD Male
Dr. Hannah Valantine Independent Director 71 $304.4K - USD Female
Mr. Greg Chodaczek IR Contact Officer - Male