Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Patrick Ramsey Independent Chairman of the Board 48 - Male
Mr. Moshe Edree Chief Executive Officer, Director 55 - Male
Mr. Oscar Iglesias Chief Financial Officer, Director 47 - Male
Mr. Aviv Sher Chief Operating Officer 42 - Male
Mr. Gonzalo De Osma Chief Accounting Officer 49 - Male
Mr. Alberto Telias Chief Marketing Officer 39 - Male
Ms. Yaiza Rodriguez General Counsel 35 - Female
Ms. Deborah Guivisdalsky Head of CRM or VIP 41 - Female
Ms. Michal Elimelech Director - Female
Mr. Alejandro Rodino Director 48 - Male
Mr. Daniel Valdez Director 40 - Male
Mr. Laurent Teitgen Independent Director 43 - Male
Dr. Martin Werner Independent Director 59 - Male