Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Robert Hoeweler Independent Chairman of the Board of the Company and the Bank 75 $160.5K - USD Male
Mr. Bradley Ringwald President of CFBank 49 $600.4K - USD Male
Mr. Timothy O'Dell Chief Executive Officer of the Company and CFBank 69 $1.310M - USD Male
Mr. Kevin Beerman Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President of the Company and CFBank $386.6K - USD Male
Ms. Marianne Mckinney Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President of CFBank 48 - Female
Mr. C. Timothy Meder Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Credit Officer of CFBank 58 - Male
Mr. Thomas Ash Independent Director 73 $113.7K - USD Male
Mr. Edward Cochran Independent Director 73 $103.4K - USD Male
Mr. James Frauenberg Independent Director 47 $95.36K - USD Male
Mr. Sundeep Rana Independent Director 40 $95.36K - USD Male
Mr. David Royer Independent Director 55 $107.4K - USD Male
Ms. Barb Pyke Investor Relations - Female