Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Michael Weiss Chairman of the Board 57 $110.0K - USD Male
Mr. James Oliviero President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 47 $2.042M - USD Male
Mr. William Gray Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Corporate Secretary 35 $712.4K - USD Male
Dr. Lindsay Rosenwald Director 67 $100.0K - USD Male
Mr. Christian Bechon Independent Director 63 $100.0K - USD Male
Mr. Scott Boilen Independent Director 56 $100.0K - USD Male
Mr. Neil Herskowitz Independent Director 65 $110.0K - USD Male
Mr. Barry Salzman Independent Director 61 $100.0K - USD Male
Ms. Ashley Robinson Managing Director - Female