Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. George Goldsmith Executive Chairman of the Board 67 $2.977M - USD Male
Mr. Kabir Nath Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director 58 $7.644M - USD Male
Ms. Mary-Rose Hughes Interim Chief Financial Officer - Female
Mr. Matthew Owens General Counsel, Chief Legal Officer 45 $1.812M - USD Male
Dr. Guy Goodwin Chief Medical Officer 75 $2.049M - USD Male
Mr. David Norton Lead Independent Director 70 $173.1K - USD Male
Ms. Daphne Karydas Director 47 - Female
Dr. Ekaterina Malievskaia Director 56 $1.506M - USD Female
Dr. Annalisa Jenkins Independent Director 57 $171.9K - USD Female
Mr. Thomas Lonngren Independent Director 72 $158.2K - USD Male
Ms. Linda Mcgoldrick Independent Director 68 $168.8K - USD Female
Dr. Robert McQuade Independent Director 66 $166.9K - USD Male
Dr. Wayne Riley Independent Director 72 $187.0K - USD Male