Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Jack Fusco Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer of the General Partner 60 - Male
Mr. Zach Davis Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President, Director of the General Partner 38 - Male
Mr. Corey Grindal Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President, Director 51 - Male
Mr. Tim Wyatt Senior Vice President - Corporate Development and Strategy of the General Partner 42 - Male
Mr. Taylor Johnson Deputy General Counsel, Assistant Secretary, Director of the General Partner - Male
Mr. Brian Baker Director of the General Partner - Male
Mr. Christopher Dell Amore Director of the General Partner 33 - Male
Mr. Scott Peak Director of the General Partner 42 - Male
Mr. James Ball Independent Director of the General Partner 72 $279.0K - USD Male
Mr. Ellis McCain Independent Director of the General Partner 75 $270.7K - USD Male
Mr. Vincent Pagano Independent Director of the General Partner 72 $271.5K - USD Male
Mr. Oliver Richard Independent Director of the General Partner 70 $251.5K - USD Male