Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Sean Mccarthy Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 56 $3.014M - USD Male
Mr. Chris Ogden Senior Vice President - Finance and Accounting 39 - Male
Mr. Lloyd Rowland Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, General Counsel, Secretary 66 $1.205M - USD Male
Dr. Yu-Waye Chu Senior Vice President, Chief Medical Officer 55 - Male
Mr. Jeffrey Landau Senior Vice President, Chief Business Officer and Head of Strategy 45 $1.061M - USD Male
Mr. Matthew Young Lead Independent Director 53 $106.5K - USD Male
Dr. Alan Ashworth Independent Director 62 $68.89K - USD Male
Ms. Halley Gilbert Independent Director 53 $81.99K - USD Female
Dr. Elaine Jones Independent Director $74.09K - USD Female
Mr. James Meyers Independent Director 58 $77.69K - USD Male
Dr. Mani Mohindru Independent Director 51 $76.98K - USD Female