Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Matthew Posard Independent Chairman of the Board 56 $272.2K - USD Male
Mr. Bret Christensen President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 52 - Male
Mr. Kevin Sun Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary 45 $1.462M - USD Male
Mr. Ray Akhavan Chief Compliance Officer, General Counsel 54 $1.198M - USD Male
Mr. Mark Aguillard chief commercial officer - Male
Mr. Mark Capone Independent Director 60 $312.4K - USD Male
Ms. Cynthia Collins Independent Director 65 $240.2K - USD Female
Ms. Nathalie Keraudy Independent Director 44 $217.0K - USD Female
Dr. Kirk Malloy Independent Director 56 $312.0K - USD Male
Mr. Herman Rosenman Independent Director 75 $239.9K - USD Male