Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Gerald Proehl Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 64 $505.5K - USD Male
Ms. Kyri Van Hoose Chief Financial Officer, Senior Vice President 45 $378.2K - USD Female
Dr. Maria Bedoya Toro Munera Senior Vice President - Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance 71 - Female
Dr. Christopher Nardo Senior Vice President, Chief Development Officer 58 $393.3K - USD Male
Mr. David Hale Lead Independent Director 74 $80.42K - USD Male
Ms. Brittany Bradrick Independent Director 53 $47.67K - USD Female
Ms. Mary Fisher Independent Director 61 $55.04K - USD Female
Dr. Steven Mento Independent Director 71 $53.35K - USD Male
Dr. Andrew Sandler Independent Director 58 $56.48K - USD Male
Ms. Kathleen Scott Independent Director 54 $62.54K - USD Female
Dr. Wendell Wierenga Independent Director 75 $57.54K - USD Male
Mr. Sean Proehl Investor Relations - Male