Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. David Herzog Independent Chairman of the Board 63 $346.8K - USD Male
Mr. Raul Fernandez President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 57 $319.1K - USD Male
Mr. Rob Del Bene Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President 63 - Male
Mr. Christopher Drumgoole President - Cloud and ITO business 48 $3.477M - USD Male
Mr. James Brady Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President 56 - Male
Ms. Mary Finch Chief Human Resource Officer, Executive Vice President 54 $3.919M - USD Female
Mr. William Deckelman Executive Vice President, General Counsel, Secretary 65 $3.294M - USD Male
Mr. Howard Boville Executive Vice President- Global Lead of Applications Services Artificial Intelligence - Male
Mr. Andrew Wilson Executive Vice President - Global Lead - Male
Mr. Christopher Voci Senior Vice President, Principal Accounting Officer, Corporate Controller 51 - Male
Ms. Pinkie Mayfield Director - Female
Mr. David Barnes Independent Director 67 $305.9K - USD Male
Mr. Anthony Gonzalez Independent Director 38 $135.7K - USD Male
Mr. Karl Racine Independent Director 60 $135.7K - USD Male
Ms. Dawn Rogers Independent Director 58 $299.1K - USD Female
Ms. Carrie Teffner Independent Director 56 $347.1K - USD Female
Mr. Akihiko Washington Independent Director 64 $324.1K - USD Male
Mr. Robert Woods Independent Director 68 $329.1K - USD Male