Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. David Nicholson Non-Executive Independent Chairman of the Board 68 $205.8K - USD Male
Mr. Andrew Hopkins Chief Executive Officer, Founder, Director 52 $4.216M - USD Male
Mr. Ben Taylor Chief Financial and Strategy Officer, Director 45 $1.939M - USD Male
Dr. David Hallett Chief Operating Officer 53 - Male
Dr. Garry Pairaudeau Chief Technology Officer 57 - Male
Dr. Michael Krams Chief Quantitative Medical Officer - Male
Ms. Elizabeth Crain Non-Executive Independent Director 58 $317.5K - USD Female
Mr. Robert Ghenchev Non-Executive Independent Director 39 - Male
Dr. Mario Polywka Non-Executive Independent Director 60 $154.6K - USD Male
Ms. Sara Sherman Investors Relation - Female