Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Dr. Helmy Eltoukhy Chairman of the Board, Co-Chief Executive Officer 44 $11.63K - USD Male
Dr. Amirali Talasaz Co-Chief Executive Officer, Director 43 $11.18K - USD Male
Mr. Michael Bell Chief Financial Officer 54 $1.978M - USD Male
Ms. Terilyn Monroe Chief People Officer 54 - Female
Mr. Kumud Kalia Chief Information Officer 57 - Male
Dr. Craig Eagle Chief Medical Officer 56 $3.617M - USD Male
Mr. Christopher Freeman Chief Commercial Officer 49 $3.970M - USD Male
Mr. John Saia Chief Legal Officer, Corporate Secretary 50 $6.019M - USD Male
Mr. Ian Clark Lead Independent Director 63 $470.2K - USD Male
Ms. Vijaya Gadde Independent Director 48 $425.1K - USD Female
Ms. Meghan Joyce Independent Director 39 $425.1K - USD Female
Mr. Steven Krognes Independent Director 54 $725.1K - USD Male
Ms. Myrtle Potter Independent Director 64 $425.1K - USD Female
Mr. Musa Tariq Independent Director 40 - Male
Mr. Alex Kleban Investor Relations - Male