Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Ms. Kathryn Gardner Independent Chairman of the Board 47 $138.4K - USD Female
Mr. Kyle Loudermilk President, Chief Executive Officer, Director 56 $1.840M - USD Male
Mr. Emmett Pepe Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer 58 $912.6K - USD Male
Dr. Bahram Meyssami Chief Technology Officer 61 $337.7K - USD Male
Mr. Daniel Pugh Chief Legal and Risk Officer, Secretary 56 - Male
Mr. Raymond Hruby Vice President - Sales - Male
Mr. William Corey Independent Director 63 $122.3K - USD Male
Mr. Thomas Dougherty Independent Director 64 $132.5K - USD Male
Mr. Adam Lowensteiner Vice President - Male