Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Roland Kohl Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 73 - Male
Mr. Alan Chan Chief Financial Officer, Secretary 58 - Male
Mr. Ringo Tsang Chief Operating Officer 56 - Male
Dr. Dirk Hermann Director 58 - Male
Mr. Tiko Aharonov Non-Executive Independent Director 75 - Male
Mr. Wing Chan Leung Non-Executive Independent Director 69 - Male
Mr. Uri Oppenheimer Non-Executive Independent Director 86 - Male
Mr. Heiko Sonnekalb Non-Executive Independent Director 51 - Male
Ms. Ping Yim Wong Non-Executive Independent Director 56 - Female
Mr. Kuang Yu Yang Non-Executive Independent Director 65 - Male