Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Junli He Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer 49 $45.00K - USD Male
Mr. Hong Yu President 50 $247.2K - USD Male
Mr. Jason Jing Chen Vice Chairman of the Board 61 $45.00K - USD Male
Mr. Joseph Damasio Chief Financial Officer 48 - Male
Dr. William Fodor Chief Scientific Officer 64 $207.8K - USD Male
Mr. David Green Director 59 $37.15K - USD Male
Ms. Ting Li Independent Director 46 $45.00K - USD Female
Mr. Ronald Packard Independent Director 60 - Male
Mr. Herman Sanchez Independent Director 48 $45.00K - USD Male
Dr. James Shmerling Independent Director 68 $45.00K - USD Male