Company Executives

List of company's executives and members of the Board.

Name Title Age Compensation Sex Social Media
Mr. Sumitaka Yamamoto Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer 57 $647.2K - USD Male
Mr. Qizhi Gao Chief Financial Officer 41 - Male
Mr. Kimio Hosaka Chief Operating Officer, Director 54 - Male
Mr. Hidekazu Miyata Chief Technical Officer 52 - Male
Mr. Keisuke Kuno Vice President - CX Division 47 $103.5K - USD Male
Mr. Prakash Sadasivam Chief Strategy Officer, Director 49 - Male
Mr. Ferdinand Groenewald Independent Director 38 $52.25K - USD Male
Mr. Yuta Katai Independent Director 37 $50.96K - USD Male
Ms. Heather Neville Independent Director - Female
Mr. Takeshi Omoto Independent Director 44 $50.96K - USD Male
Mr. Koji Sato Independent Director - Male
Mr. Yuki Tan Independent Director 48 $50.48K - USD Male
Mr. Matt Glover Investor Relations - Male